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Carmen Czechak-Reimann new doctor responsible for mammography screening


Carmen Czechak-Reimann new doctor responsible for mammography screening

Since its launch seven years ago, around 1.5 million women between the ages of 50 and 69 have taken part in the mammography screening programme in Baden-Württemberg. This programme is now offered throughout Germany in specially created and certified mammography units. The Rhine-Neckar-Odenwald region, where Dr Heidi Daniel has been responsible for implementing the mammography screening programme since 2007, can boast impressive figures: “Since the start of the screening programme, we have examined 220,000 women in the six certified mammography units in Wiesloch, Weinheim, Mosbach, Mannheim, Heidelberg and Sinsheim.”

Dr Daniel has been supported in this important task by Carmen Czechak-Reimann since this year. The two doctors are convinced of the quality-assured early detection in screening: "With mammography screening, we can detect tumours at a very early, not yet palpable stage. In most cases, breast cancer detected at such an early stage can be cured effectively and with gentle therapies. We are convinced that all eligible women should be encouraged to take up their invitation to undergo mammography screening by informing them about the benefits of screening. This is the only way we can further increase the current participation rate of 53.7% in Baden-Württemberg, reduce the number of undetected carcinomas in the early stages and thus effectively reduce morbidity and mortality from this disease," explains Dr Daniel.

But do women know enough about the mammography screening programme? According to a recent study sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Health, the answer is no. According to the study, many women underestimate the connection between age and breast cancer risk. This is because the risk of developing the disease increases with age and, at 260 per 100,000 women aged between 50 and 60 per year, is significantly higher than for women aged between 40 and 50.

The study also shows that many women are not aware of the differences between the mammography screening programme and other methods of early breast cancer detection. However, in the fully quality-assured programme, mammography is currently the only method generally recognised as effective for the detection of precancerous breast lesions or early tumour stages. Furthermore, according to the study, the fact that early cancer detection is not a preventive measure appears to be generally under-recognised. The examination in the mammography screening programme does not protect against the disease, but it can be detected at such an early stage that the chance of a cure is significantly higher.

In order to clear up any gaps in knowledge and misconceptions about early breast cancer detection, a new information service has been available since last October at www.mammo-ich-bin-dabei.de. There, women can playfully test their knowledge of early breast cancer detection, mammography screening and prevention and learn all the important data and information about the programme in an entertaining way.

Information on mammography screening in the region

Women aged 50 to 69 are invited every two years for a mammogram (X-ray examination of the breast) at certified mammography centres in their area. The early detection examination is financed by statutory and private health insurance companies. For information and to register, call the central telephone number 07221-9565-55. Further information can also be found on the Internet at www.radiologie.de.

zuletzt geändert am: 27.05.2024

P7, 2-3

P7, 2-3
68161 Mannheim
Phone +49 621 12017-111
Fax +49 621 103080

Screening Friedrichsring

Friedrichsring 4
68161 Mannheim
Fax +49 621 18003-99

Hotline Mammography-Screening
07221 956555

Rosengartenplatz/ Friedrichsring

Rosengartenplatz 7 und Friedrichsring 4
68161 Mannheim
Phone +49 621 12017-111
Fax +49 621 18003-99

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