Terminvergabe: +49 621 12017-0 Privatpatienten:0152-562 07 653 Whatsapp/SMS (nur Privatpatienten):0152-562 07 653
Online Terminbuchung

Our new website is online


Our new website is online

We are delighted to present our new website to you.

We have invested a lot of time and effort in the redesign and are convinced that our website has gained significantly as a result. All information is bundled and structured. Everyone should be able to find what they are looking for quickly. The new website is also optimised for mobile access via smartphones and tablets.

You are welcome to send us further suggestions for improvement, we look forward to hearing your opinion.

zuletzt geƤndert am: 27.05.2024

P7, 2-3

P7, 2-3
68161 Mannheim
Phone +49 621 12017-111
Fax +49 621 103080

Screening Friedrichsring

Friedrichsring 4
68161 Mannheim
Fax +49 621 18003-99

Hotline Mammography-Screening
07221 956555

Rosengartenplatz/ Friedrichsring

Rosengartenplatz 7 und Friedrichsring 4
68161 Mannheim
Phone +49 621 12017-111
Fax +49 621 18003-99

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